среда, 29 июля 2009 г.

Just 12 Weeks of Tai Chi For Better Health

Just 12 Weeks of Tai Chi For Better Health
Man doing Tai Chi
Tai Chi Chuan

The Importance of Exercise in Older Age

With increasing life expectancies, it is becoming more important for people to take up some form of exercise to ensure that they can remain active in their retirement.

Tai Chi Chuan is a gentle but energetic form of exercise, which not only improves physical health and fitness, as proved in this research, but has also been shown to improve mental health and well-being.

What Is Tai Chi?

Tai Chi Chuan is a “soft” style of kung-fu. Its roots are very much in martial arts and many people still train tai chi as a form of self defence. The applications of the movements are very effective in combat situations, although a good grounding in “hard” styles of kung-fu (or other styles) is really required.

Many people today learn tai chi as a form of gentle exercise. There is some debate over how effective this is and how it compares to other ways of staying fit and strong. Yang Ma Lee, the grand daughter of Yang Chen-Fu who helped to popularize the Yang system of Tai Chi (Yang Chen Fu was the grandson of Yang Lu-chan, the founder of they Yang family style), has said that without learning the martial part of tai chi you lose out on most of the health benefits.

Where to Learn Tai Chi?

Tai Chi is now very widespread and there are usually classes in most larger towns and cities. The easiest way to find a classes is to search Google Maps for “tai chi” or “tai chi classes” or “tai chi schools”.

Tai Chi Classes in America
Tai Chi and Health Research

Researchers at the National Taiwan University Hospital carried out a study on the health and fitness of elderly people who practice Tai Chi Chuan.

The study compared 20 men and women between the ages of 58 and 70 who had been practicing Tai Chi Chuan about 4 times per week for an average of 11 months.

Each session would last just under an hour on average, with a 20 minute warm-up, 24 minutes of Tai Chi Chuan practice (e.g. form) and a 10 minute cool down. The exercise intensity was 52.63% of the heart rate range. Cardiorespiratory function, strength, flexibility, and percent of body fat were evaluated before and at the end of this study.

The Tai chi practitioners were compared to a control group of 18 men and women of similar age, who did not practice Tai Chi Chuan.

The results indicate that a 12-month Tai Chi Chuan program is effective for improving health fitness of the elderly.

The male Tai chi group showed improved strength and flexibility in the chest and lower back. Also knee joint strength and flexibility improved.

The female group showed greater improvements in strength and flexibility than the males. The control group showed no change during the study.

The study proved that regular Tai Chi Chuan training improved muscular strength and flexibility in the elderly, with improvements to general physical health.

Tai Chi Cuts Arthritic Pain By Half

Tai Chi Form
Tai Chi Hands - shenanagans

In a recent study researchers at Tufts University in Massachusetts found that patients that suffer from arthritis respond very well to a course in Tai Chi Chuan.

After just 12 weeks or learning and practicing Tai Chi every day, subjects experienced much less pain. In the study patients also did traditional stretching exercises, and these did not perform too well. In fact they described Tai Chi as being significantly better at pain management.

Tai Chi Chuan (or just Tai Chi) is practiced by millions of people all around the world for its health, mental benefits and its martial arts training. Tai Chi Chuan is the martial form (the original form) of Tai Chi.

The soft flowing movements (form) of Tai Chi are in fact fighting and self-defense applications that are designed to condition the body and train it to respond to an opponent, to feel an opponent’s movement and intention, to make them a better fighter.

Yang Mar Lee, granddaughter of Yang Chen Fu, one of modern Tai Chi’s founders, teaches that without the martial training, most of the health benefits of Tai Chi are lost. This always comes as a great surprise to people that have only learned the form, and never had any martial training.

Previous studies had suggested that Tai Chi could be useful in treating arthritis, but they were never conclusive. The recent research was carried out on people with arthritic knees, which is a very painful form of arthritis that affects thousands of people. It is most common in elderly people.

“Our observations emphasize a need to further evaluate the biologic mechanisms and approaches of Tai Chi to extend its benefits to a broader population.” Dr Chenchen Wang, Research Leader.

Not only did 12 weeks of Tai Chi training help people cope with pain, but they also felt less depressed and more agile than previously, and were generally happier with life in general.

Tai Chi hands photo by shenanagans


Tai Chi is Effective in Treating Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial” by Chenchen Wang, MD, MSc. Christopher H. Schmid, PhD, Patricia L. Hibberd, MD, PhD, Robert Kalish, MD, Ronenn Roubenoff, MD, MHS, Ramel Rones, BS, and Timothy McAlindon, MD, MPH. Arthritis Rheum. 2009 November 15; 61(11): 1545–1553.

12-month Tai Chi training in the elderly: its effect on health fitness” by Lan C, Lai JS, Chen SY, Wong MK. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1998 Mar;30(3):345-51.

Original article and pictures take www.motleyhealth.com site

понедельник, 13 июля 2009 г.

John Linney

John Linney

Yang Tai Chi Instructor, Student of Wee Kee Jin,Taiji School of Central Equilibrium;shiatsu practitioner,Breathworks mindfulness trainer,Fellow of #schsocent

Original article and pictures take abs.twimg.com site

среда, 1 июля 2009 г.



Taijiquan(tai chi)


Yang Chengfu dalam gaya Yang Taijiquan.

Nama lain t'ai chi ch'üan; taijiquan

Fokus Campuran

Tingkat kekerasan Kompetisi, kontak ringan (tanpa serangan), kontak penuh (serangan, tendangan dll)

Negara asal RRC

Pencipta -

Seni pendahulu Tao Yin

Olahraga Olimpiade No

Taijiquan (Hanzi tradisional: 太極拳; bahasa Tionghoa: 太极拳; Pinyin: tàijíquán; Wade-Giles: t'ai4 chi2 ch'üan2), adalah sebuah bentuk seni beladiri dan senam kesehatan aliran halus dari negeri China. Taichi terbagi menjadi berbagai "gaya" yang pada dasarnya berasal dari satu akar dan konsep dasarnya hampir sama, namun bentuk gerakannya berbeda-beda, sehingga menambah khazanah pengetahuan para pecinta Taichi.

Adapun gaya-gaya Taichi yang terkenal adalah gaya Chen, gaya Yang, gaya Sun dan gaya Wu. Yang paling terkenal adalah gaya Yang, gaya ini telah menjadi standar pengajaran Taichi ke seluruh dunia, yaitu lewat sebuah rangkaian gerak yang disebut "Beijing 24 step" atau Senam Taichi gaya 24 langkah yang telah distandardisasi oleh pemerintah Republik Rakyat China (RRC) sebagai bentuk baku untuk mengajarkan Taichi. [1]


Menurut legenda Taichi diciptakan oleh Zhang Sanfeng (di Indonesia dikenal sebagai Thio Sam Hong) seorang pendeta Tao yang hidup di abad ke-12, dan dari ajaran beliau ini kemudian dikembangkan oleh Chen Wangting di abad ke-15. Dari ajaran Chen Wangting inilah lahir Taichi gaya Chen, gaya yang tertua. Gaya Chen ini kemudian dimodifikasi lagi oleh murid-murid di generasi berikutnya, sehingga lahirlah gaya Yang, didirikan oleh Yang Luchan di abad ke-16, gaya Wu oleh Wu Yuxiang di abad ke-17 dan gaya Sun oleh Sun Lutang di abad ke-19.

Senam Taichi kemudian berkembang menjadi bentuk latihan yang digemari, karena memiliki manfaat kesehatan yang baik dan, dengan latihan yang tekun dan sangat mendalam, bisa digunakan untuk pembelaan diri. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah RRC kemudian menciptakan jurus standar untuk pengajaran senam Taichi ini sebagai bagian dari olahraga Wushu , yang dikenal dengan nama 24 langkah Taiji Beijing pada tahun 1956, dan 42 langkah Taiji kompetisi pada tahun 1989. Kedua set standard ini dianggap lebih mudah untuk diajarkan dan ditampilkan daripada jurus tradisional yang lebih panjang dan sulit.

Taiji di Indonesia

Hingga kini, senam Taichi masih menjadi bagian dari pelajaran di berbagai klub wushu dan kungfu di Indonesia. Atlit Wushu Indonesia, Zaenab, berhasil memperoleh medali perunggu di nomor Taichi yang diadakan pada Asian Games 1998 di Bangkok, Thailand.

Selain dikembangkan di klub-klub Wushu, dikembangkan juga senam Taiji di klub-klub khusus Taiji yang tidak menekankan pada kompetisi Wushu, misalnya di klub PORPI (Persatuan Olahraga Pernapasan Indonesia), Klub Taichi Adipranata, dan masih banyak lagi klub-klub lainnya. Selain itu juga terdapat beberapa Master Taiji yang bersifat independen, yang tidak mendirikan perguruan khusus, tapi mengajarkan kepada beberapa murid tertentu secara personal. Beberapa diantaranya ada yang membuat ulasan di blog, seperti Master Yakso (yang juga seorang Arsitek) di http://yakzone.wordpress.com/ , yang memberikan kontribusi khusus di dunia Tai Chi, tidak saja sebagai senam, tapi sebagai bentuk aslinya, yaitu beladiri aliran lembut.

Original article and pictures take carlesjeni.blogspot.com site