This pose, also known as the snake or cobra’s pose because it mimics (raising the head along with chest ) the look of a raised hood of a cobra (with the rest of the body laying down imitating the body of the snake).

This asana is one of the best asanas for the back including the spine. Monitored breathing is crucial in this and every other asana. Old age limits the flexibility of the back; this is why the bending and the stretching moves in this asana are great ways to grow the flexibility and tone of the back, so the back won’t give out when we get to that time of our lives.
The spinal column gets toned from the stretching done in this pose; this stretching also happens to tone the abdominal muscles too. Dormant muscles such as the uterine muscles and, organs like the ovaries get toned while doing this pose. It remains one of the best poses, acting as a medicine in cases such as leucorrhoea and wet-dreams. The raising of the chest helps to firm up the chest and bust.
This raising hood position also contributes to enriching blood supply to the entire body because of the pressure it puts on the adrenal glands. Other organs located next to adrenal glands such as the liver also benefit from this pose. The asana resolves problems of irregular menstrual cycles. This asana puts pressure on the digestive system and muscles helping to relieve constipation.
Regularly doing this asana helps with acute gas problems. The stretching of the spine helps individuals who suffer from back problems such as slip disc by giving the spinal column proper toning. The continuous practice of this asana solves your backache problems.
Original article and pictures take site
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