вторник, 15 января 2013 г.

Tai Chi Exercises for Beginners

Tai Chi Exercises for Beginners

Tai chi is a complete mind and body martial art that increases stamina, strength, balance and concentration skills.

Tai chi exercise is a gentle way for anyone to engage not only her body, but additionally her mind. Unlike high-impact activities like running or high intensity aerobics, tai-chi will help energize practitioners in a relaxing and calming way.

Tai Chi Moves for Beginners

As a beginner, you need to first know its underlying philosophy, that’s, if one uses hardness to obstruct or block violent force, injuries to some degree are inevitable. Thus, at the start, students are not taught directly how you can fight an incoming force but to get it with softness and relaxed posture, while following a motion, while remaining in contact with that force. This has to be done till the force of attack is exhausted or that’s redirected.

Windmill Exercise

Tai Chi Exercises for Beginners

The windmill exercise is a of the basic Tai Chi movements for promoting flexibility and opening up your spine. Stand together with your feet parallel and slightly wider than shoulder-width distance apart. Relax your shoulders and let your arms hang loosely. Take the hands in front of your body from your pubic bone, with your fingers pointing down toward the ground. Inhale and raise your arms in the center of your body and over your head, fingers pointing up. Stretch toward the ceiling and arch your spine slightly backward. Exhale and slowly bend toward the floor, moving your hands on the center of your body. Bend forward out of your hip joint, allowing your arms to hold loosely in front of you. Inhale and go back to your starting posture.

Knee Rolls

Knee rolls encourage mobility inside your spine and knees and can help improve your balance. Stand together with your feet a few inches apart as well as your knees slightly bent. Place your hands on your knees with your fingers pointing toward one another. Rotate your knees in a circle, rolling in the left, back, right and front, as if you are tracing a large circle on the ground with your knees. Perform the circular motion in clockwise, then counter-clockwise, directions.

Hand Exercises

The Tai Chi hand exercises help open your hands and promote flexibility inside your shoulders, arms and fingers. Stand together with your feet a bit wider than shoulder-width distance apart. Lift up your arms straight out in front of you, parallel towards the floor at shoulder height. Stretch both hands as wide as you can, then begin rotating your wrists inside a clockwise and then counter-clockwise direction.

Closing Posture

Tai Chi Exercises
Tai Chi Exercises

The Tai-chi closing posture is performed at the conclusion of a Tai Chi practice to balance your time and promote feelings of relaxation and stillness. Stand together with your feet hip-width distance apart. Relax shoulders and bring your hands in a cupped-position together with your palms facing up, resting in-front of your pelvis. Close your vision. Inhale and imagine that you are pulling your time upward as your bring your hands in the center of you body for your chest. Exhale and rotate both hands so your palms are facing down.

Benefits To Tai-chi Exercises

There are a number of benefits to tai chi exercise.

  • No equipment: This is a highly portable exercise program, as no special equipment is required. You can do tai chi just about anywhere; including inside or outdoors. For people who travel frequently, tai chi is an excellent way to practice a relaxing exercise program on the highway.
  • Improves coordination: As you perform tai-chi, your body flows through a series of movements, which look similar to a slow dance. You focus on breathing and slowly controlling your movements. This focus on maintaining the right posture and balance might help people become more physically aware and coordinated.
  • Good for anybody: People who suffer from arthritis or are extremely overweight often find it difficult to get familiar with exercise. They are not excluded, however, from tai-chi, as the movements can usually be achieved by anyone, regardless of the shape they’re in.

Original article and pictures take recreationxleisure.com site

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