среда, 3 июля 2013 г.

Tai Chi for Health, Meditation, and Self-Defense

Tai Chi for Health, Meditation, and Self-Defense
Learn Tai Chi for Health, Meditation, and Self-Defense

Would you like to learn Tai Chi, but don't know where to start? Or perhaps you're an experienced practitioner looking to enhance your skills. Maybe you're just wondering, what is this Tai Chi stuff about, anyway?

Well, you've come to the right place!

Since 1970, the Patience T'ai Chi Association (PTC) has taught Tai Chi and other Martial Arts to thousands of students. Today, we are dedicated to teaching Tai Chi exclusively in all of its aspects: as a moving meditation, for its health benefits, and of course, the sport of Push Hands, and as a high level Martial Art. We also invite practitioners of other Martial Arts to study with us to improve skills in their chosen Art.

At PTC, we teach Cheng Man-Ch'ing style Tai Chi, as it was taught to William C. Phillips by Professor Cheng in the 1970's. However, we are committed to teaching solid Tai Chi principles that can be applied to any style.

So please, enjoy our site and discover why it has been said that whoever practices Tai Chi diligently, twice a day over a period of years, will attain the pliability of a child, the health of a lumberjack and the peace of mind of a sage.

A few links to get you started...

New to Tai Chi? Looking for the basics?
Try our Intro to Tai Chi.

Interested in more in-depth info?
See our Learning Tai Chi section.

Are you past the basics and ready for the really good stuff?
Check out our Tai Chi articles.

Finally, if you'd like to be notified when we make a major update to our site, add new products, or wish to tell you about a Tai Chi event you might be interested in, Join our Mailing List.

Tai Chi Chuan As Meditation
William C. Phillips
In order to understand Tai Chi Chuan as meditation, it is first necessary to have a working definition of meditation. This obtained, we can see how Tai Chi Chuan fits that definition and exactly what . . . keep reading

Peace and Confidence Through Tai Chi Practice
William C. Phillips
People often talk about how Tai Chi has brought them a sense of peace and confidence. Let's take a look at how this comes about. An anonymous reader asks: "Strong yet smooth Tai Chi move . . . keep reading

One Way of Practicing Form
Michael R. Pekor
Do you "feel" your form when you practice? Or are you plagued by internal dialog? How should one really be practicing, anyway? . . . keep reading

What direction should you face while practicing Tai Chi?
William C. Phillips
Direction is important while doing Tai Chi. But what direction should you face, and why? . . . keep reading

How Can I Feel Chi?
William C. Phillips
We hear so much about chi, but how can you actually feel it when doing Tai Chi if you haven't done so already? . . . keep reading


Peace and Confidence Through Tai Chi Practice
William C. Phillips
People often talk about how Tai Chi has brought them a sense of peace and confidence. Let's take a look at how this comes about. An anonymous reader asks: "Strong yet smooth Tai Chi move . . . keep reading
Can Children Learn Tai Chi?
William C. Phillips
Tai Chi is often thought to be an "exercise for old people." But does that mean kids can't learn it? . . . keep reading
The Mental and Physical Aspects of Tai Chi
William C. Phillips
Tai Chi is helpful on many levels, but even while mastering the physical, you are working on the mental. . . . keep reading
My Teacher Has Asked Me to Teach Tai Chi, But I Am Not Ready
William C. Phillips
An anonymous reader who has been writing to me about her Tai Chi experiences raised a concern in one of her emails recently. Her teacher asked her to start teaching a beginner's Tai Chi class, but she . . . keep reading
Professor Cheng's Suggestion for Improving Balance
William C. Phillips
A reader asks for some clarification on Professor Cheng's advice. . . . keep reading
A Reader's Response about Tai Chi and Weightlifting
William C. Phillips
An e-mail came in, which had a question and some follow up information sent by Joe from Long Island. I want to share it with you because I feel it is a contribution to our knowledge of Tai Chi. It i . . . keep reading
Push Hands and Dizziness After Pregnancy
William C. Phillips
Although a doctor's visit is recommended in this case, here are a couple of thoughts on what could be the cause of this woman's issue. . . . keep reading
Weightlifting and Tai Chi
William C. Phillips
Should you or shouldn't you? This question isn't as simple as it might first seem... . . . keep reading
The Benefits of Push Hands Practice
William C. Phillips
Many people who practice Tai Chi form never progress to practicing push hands, and that is fine. But for those who choose to engage in push hands play, there are many benefits to be found. . . . keep reading
Lower Back Weakness and Tai Chi
William C. Phillips
Tai Chi can be a wonderful aide for those with lower back issues when practiced properly. Here are some things to be careful about, however, so that your Tai Chi can be a healing practice, and not a harmful one. . . . keep reading
Dealing with 'Tai Chi Knee'
William C. Phillips
Lots of people experience pain in their knees when doing Tai Chi, especially beginners. But even though this is common, it isn't "normal" or "healthy". Here are some tips on how to deal with it. . . . keep reading
Maintaining Balance on the Posture 'Turn and Heel Kick'
William C. Phillips
This is one of the more difficult postures in the Tai Chi form, and poses a challenge for beginners and more advanced students alike. Here are some tips on how to do it well. . . . keep reading

Original article and pictures take www.patiencetaichi.com site

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