Does Tai chi ring any bells in your mind? Many of you might faintly remember some similar words like kung fu and infer that this is a Chinese martial art form. Let us tell you that you would be right and yet not fully right! Tai chi is indeed an ancient Chinese secret- a secret to good health and a peaceful mind.
What is Tai Chi?
Tai Chi is a form of exercise belonging to the ancient Chinese tradition. It is practiced by a lot of people even today in the form of a graceful exercise to reduce stress as well as lower the effects of health ailments. This Chinese form of exercise has very gentle movements in a predestined elegant flow, which many like to call “meditation in motion”, owing to the balance and inner peace that it fosters.
Some also address Tai chi as Tai chi chuan. But whatever you may call it, its character remains the same! It is a self paced and gentle form of exercise which focuses on stretching. Every stretch slowly leads into the next posture without halting, therefore keeping you in constant motion at a defined pace. There are various styles of Tai chi, each of which is based on a different methodology and principle. There are internal variations too, wherein certain postures focus on maintaining health, certain others, on building up body strength and some focus just on the martial arts attribute of Tai chi.
History of Tai Chi Moves
The history of the present form of Tai chi can be traced back to the five traditional schools, namely: Chen, Yang, Wu (Hao), Wu, and Sun. The theories and practices followed by these schools are believed to be formulated by a Taoist monk named Zhang Sanfeng in as early as the 12th century. During the same time, the principles of neo Confucian school of thought were trying to penetrate into the Chinese intellectual traditions. The form that we see today, took shape around the mid 1800s.
How are Tai chi Moves Practiced?
Fitness clubs and health clubs offer a number of martial art based programmes, of which Tai chi is just one option. You can easily get hold of a number of videos, as well as read books about the techniques of doing Tai chi, but it is always better to start the exercise under the instruction of a trained person. This also ensures that you get maximum benefits from it and learn it systematically. There are numerous Tai chi classes where you can choose to learn specific methods as per your area of focus. A basic course in Tai chi lasts about 12 weeks.
A basic Tai chi class includes proper breathing techniques, certain positions to improve your posture and gives you instructions to practice this art without causing injuries to yourself, in any manner. It has sessions mostly in groups to help you motivate yourself to get the basics properly. There are several types of Tai chi which focus on particular aspects like balance and fall prevention, and endurance building etc.
The workout schedule tentatively includes some basic warm ups and stretching, followed by simple yang style movements. The basic patterns of practicing this style are also taught which helps you to do it yourself after a few more sessions. After you get yourself acquainted with the basics, multiple angles of the same and in-depth methodology are introduced in Tai chi for beginners.
Benefits of Tai chi Moves
Any form of exercise is good for the body. Tai chi is not as popular and not practiced as frequently as aerobics, but the benefits of Tai chi moves just cannot be ignored. Once you get to know how it helps you, you would surely consider this on par with your favorite fitness regime. Let’s have a look at the benefits of Tai chi moves:
Improving Balance:
There has been a lot of research done on individuals and Tai chi moves. All these studies suggest that due to slow and systematic movements, Tai chi increases co ordination of the upper body with the lower body. There are many shifting movements, with one leg in the air, which helps improve balance and reduces fall frequency noticeably.
Stress Relief:
Stress has risen dramatically in our lives, leading to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart problems etc. The demand for a healthy life through exercising is high. Tai chi is one of the physical activities which can help reduce stress noticeably. As this technique focuses on breathing techniques, concentrated physical movement and mental co ordination, your body gets activated and rejuvenated, helping to improve your quality of life. In turn, it relieves you from stress.
Enhancing psychological health: When your mind is at peace, the functioning of your body is smooth and that helps to preserve mental health too. It keeps you away from too much tension, conditions like sleeplessness or paranoia and reduces the possibilities of psychological disorders like schizophrenia.
Diabetic patients are advised to constantly do some kind of physical activity. Tai chi is one of the less rigorous ways for people having diabetes to stay active. It helps to keep the blood circulation normal as well as, helps all the parts to functions smoothly. The insulin production stays regulated and hence, there are less chances of increased blood sugar.
Cancer patients are advised by doctors to keep their mind at peace as they go through the radiation treatment. It is believed that Tai chi moves bring all the elements in the body under control. It helps in harmonizing their functioning, thereby helping cancer patients improve. In many cases, the affected cancer cells also get eliminated due to practicing Tai chi moves.
Parkinsons affects the movements of the body. It is believed that Tai chi helps to maintain balance which usually patients suffering from Parkinsons, lack. It also reduces the span of progression of this disorder.
As Tai chi involves gentle swing movements of the body, all your muscles as well as joints are worked out well. Tai chi also provides necessary lubrication making you “joint”fit.
Tai Chi for Seniors:
To find out the effect of Tai chi on seniors, a test was conducted which included people from the age group of 22 to 76. The effects of Tai chi on cardiovascular function, flexibility as well as balance were recorded. These seniors were provided with eight weeks of proper training in Tai chi.
It was observed that they showed significant developments in balancing as well as flexibility. This training helped many in getting rid of previous joint pain issues. Tai chi also helps to reduce the possibility of strokes or seizures in senior people.
Who Shouldn’t Practice Tai chi?
Pregnant women: Even though tai chi has gentle movements, there are certain movements which might not be apt during pregnancy, especially after the third month. It is advisable for expecting women to take doctor’s advice before doing Tai chi moves.
People with Osteoporosis:
In osteoporosis, there are certain restrictions on your mobility. If these moves are done in severe osteoporosis cases, it might cause permanent damage.
Back Problems:
Tai chi moves involve light kick-like movements at times, where there can be jerks in the lower back. These moves do not suit those with back or spine problems as jerks can cause damage.
Joint Problems:
Joint pain can limit movements. And Tai chi can increase severity of joint problems. It is advisable to try some other form for strengthening and then switch to Tai chi.
Tai chi is surely an interesting way to keep yourself fit, physically and mentally. If you think that aerobics, gyming and dieting are not for you, try Tai chi. It is sure to keep you mesmerized and involved for as long as you live!
Original article and pictures take site
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