пятница, 6 февраля 2015 г.

Taichi Sword 32 Form Movements

Taichi Sword 32 Form Movements

Three Rings Encircle The Moon

  1. Continued from preparation
  2. Left foot steps aside to shoulder width
  3. Arms rise slowly to shoulder height
  4. Turn body and shift weight to the right, move sword across to the right at eye level, lower sword finger to the left
  5. Alternate right and left arms in circular motion
  6. Turn left with left foot stepping forward to form a bow stance
  1. Take sword handle to pass the left knee to the side; point sword finger in front
  2. Right leg crosses over the left knee, raise left heel up in place
  3. Lower and turn body back, squatting halfway, open arms wide at shoulder level
  4. Turn body left, move left foot forward, raise right sword finger to ear level
  5. Left bow stance, bring sword finger to meet the sword handle in front

Original article and pictures take www.philcheung.com site

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